Erin's Creative Stuff


A shard of Summer Fox in the form of a Taurus Judge revolver and holster.



Solstice is a shard of the ancient legend, Summer Fox. It is said that this is the weapon that Summer Fox carried before her fall into madness from her immortalitiy. The revolver was lost sometime during her gradual decline into feral madness. Over the centuries people would search for the mythical weapon, most never returning. By the time of the legend, the revolver had already been hidden away in the hoard of the dragon Ognevika The Red for safekeeping.

While in the shape of a revolver, Solstice is a true peice of Summer Fox and thus is an extremely powerful artifact. The pouch on the holster always seems to contain relevant ammunition, manifested by the fractal engine that forms Summer. The normally massive (nearly 1kg) pistol defies gravity when held by someone she takes a fondness to or amuses her.

Despite being a peice of Summer, she retains hints of her long lost sanity due to her sleep and isolation from the rest of Summer. This does not mean she is a reasonable entity to deal with, she is very manipulative, conniving, and rarely ever straightforward in her goals and motivations, commonly claiming all she seeks is entertainment and adventure at the expense of those that wield her.

She is a powerful memetic however her reach is limited, and she will become dormant if taken too far from her wielder.

Solstice will connect and bind to her weilder if she deems them interesting enough, allowing her to posess their body for short periods of time, and help augment them should they need help. She rarely ever speaks to her wielder, preferring to see what the person does of their own accord knowing they hold an ancient artifact from Summer Fox.

The bullets she fires range from round nose jacketed bullets, to hollow points, armor piercing rounds, tracers, incindeary rounds, shot shells, and memetically enhanced variations of those. The wielder may ask for a certain type of ammunition, but wether or not the demon provides is another matter entirely.


While powerful, she is also quite mad and prone to fits of whimsy and violence, or infuriating silence, whatever suits her mood. She will protect her wielder from anything she perceives as a threat, often times harming the one doing the harm, even if it is an ally healing her in a strange way or violating a law of nature that Solstice adheres to.

Time modifications is one of these threats that she will respond to violently, for the memory of retribution from Zero.

While she can posess her wielder when needed, she can only do this for a short time and only if she is being worn or held by her weilder.

Her temper is quick and attention span short, she rarely holds grudges or even remembers people that have slighted her. Her memory is stuck in ages past and while she recognizes the here and now, everything she sees is framed by her understanding of how the world worked in the past.