Aria Firth is a dark sandy coloured fennec fox morph with pink headfur and bright blue eyes with a purple fringe around the edges of her iris. She stands approximately 5 ft 2 inches tall which is rather tall for a fennec fox. Her build is somewhat lithe but pudgy from the amount of office work she has been doing since finishing college.
She is an electronics engineer who seems to have a knack for whatever she puts her mind to. She has a spark of mad inventor in her but it has never been fostered and allowed to grow, so her personal projects often have strange parts and features that dont quite work right for reasons she can\'t explain. A proper mad inventor would look at these projects and parts and recognize the work of a mad invetor like themselves who hasnt been able to break through into their full potential.
She is very guarded after having been shunned by her family and friends in her hometown for becoming what she is so she is very slow to trust. She isolates herself a lot and does not seek out company even though deep down she craves connection and interaction. Her hurt does not allow her to easily open herself up anymore. This manifests partially as social akwardness outside of professional situations. She is cordial and easy going when talking to customers, but any deviance from work related topics or generic small talk that she can fake her way through will lead her to becoming very uncomfortable and downright weird and akward to many.
She always carries a butterfly knife with her for self protection, and has trained herself to be quite proficient with handling it. She would prefer a pistol, but she is unable to get a liscense for one.
Her favorite bands include Dead Kennedys, Crass, Against Me!, and Toto.
Aria Firth was born a human male years ago to a well off but fairly traditional family. She realized she was trans early on in her teens but due to friction with her family, did not persue transition until she was out of college. She transitioned at a company in her home town which caused a lot of stress and tension with her family, but they came to accept her enough that she was comfortable.
A few years after her transition, she was caught in a morphic wave and transformed into her current fennec fox form. This was too much for her family and she became ostracized. Due to the influence of her family in the community and anti morphic sentiment she ended up isolated and depressed, and lost her job.
After a year of trying to make do she was kicked out of her parents house and left the city for good.
Aria currently lives in a loft above an old storefront in a cheap area of town near the outskirts. Near her is the entrance to a Korps compount but she keeps well clear of that organization.
In the storefront area she has her workshop set up to manufacture electronics in low quantities. She does repairs every so often, but for the most part curtains shield the the glass in front, along with the safety bars. She takes jobs for various companies and individuals around the town ranging from test fixtures for factories, to fancy christmas light displays for buisnesses who want to have a flashier display than their neighbors. She spends most of her time on this consulting work and laments the lack of time for her personal projects